
Understanding Ground Control Points for UAV Operations

piloting tips Mar 03, 2019

UAV Operations Using Ground Control Points 

If you’re reading this, wondering whether your next mission should include Ground Control Points (GCP’s), then you’re in the right location! (Global Accuracy within 1-2 Articles haha) 

As a drone service provider, it’s essential to find new ways to diffe...

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Creating The Ultimate Sales Pitch for your Drone Business.

piloting tips Feb 26, 2019


Current Drone Statistics

There are currently over 150,000 FAA Licensed Drone Pilots in the United States and that number is expected to rise exponentially in the next few years.

As a result of this growth, you may have heard companies within the drone space say that the industry is quickly bec...

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The FAA’s New Drone ID Marking Rule

piloting tips regulations Feb 25, 2019


The FAA’s New Drone ID Marking Rule

Drone Pilots are now required to display their FAA-issued registration number on the outside surface of their aircraft.

With the FAA’s Rules constantly changing, it’s important to stay up to date on new regulations as they come out. Altitude University has pu...

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Top 10 Drone App Recommendations

piloting tips Jan 04, 2019


Welcome to this article on the Top 10 Drone Apps to use as a commercial drone pilot.

Over the years, we have tried a number of different drone-related applications and have narrowed down our list to a few trustworthy companies that will keep your aircraft, and operation safe in the field. We hav...

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5 Characteristics of a Great Commercial Drone Pilot

piloting tips Jan 04, 2019


Now that we have reached over 150,000 Part 107 Certified Commercial Drone Pilots in the United States, others are starting to realize how ripe the drone industry is for innovation and profitable businesses through flying drones. What may have started out as a hobby is rapidly becoming a viable ca...

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Altitude University Pre, During, & Post Drone Flight Checklist

piloting tips Jan 04, 2019


Here at Altitude, drone safety is always our number one priority, ensuring a safe flight from the ground up, and that all missions are flown in Part 107 Compliance. Our safety procedures and checklists for pilots include Pre-Flight (Offsite, before leaving the house or office), Pre-Flight (Onsite...

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How To Register Your Drone With the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

piloting tips Jan 04, 2019


We are going to walk you through the process of how to register your drone with the FAA in these simple steps below.

The FAA requires that all unmanned aircraft greater than .55 pounds and less than 55 pounds be registered with the FAA and given a registration number. You can do this by either r...

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Record Keeping & Post Flight Drone Maintenance

piloting tips Jan 04, 2019


Flying a drone can come with quite a bit of risk without the right safety protocols. Weather, pilots, equipment, and many other factors can make a normal flight very dangerous for bystanders on the ground within a matter of seconds. That is why our team of licensed drone operators wanted to addre...

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The Ultimate Guide For On-Demand Drone Insurance (2020)

piloting tips Jan 04, 2019


If you are an Aerial Service Provider, you may have discovered that it is very difficult to close contracts with companies in various industries without drone insurance. Luckily, we are here to help! 

After personally owning an Aerial Service Providing business for more than 5 years, I know the ...

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Drone License 101: Do I Need A Part 107 License?

piloting tips Jan 03, 2019


As your passion for piloting drones continues to grow, it is important to make sure you are operating within the right guidelines while conducting flights.

If you frequently fly your drone then you may want to start thinking about taking the Part 107 Exam and receiving your Drone Pilot’s License...

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